Take True Bicycles Fold and Go Tricycle and add an electric motor to the front, with
this configuration you will not only have the easiest folding tricycle
on the market but one that you don't even have to pedal. Our tricycle are simply lighter, stronger, and of higher quality construction that any tricycle made of similar design.The
Fold and Go is perfect for people who wish to transport there tricycle
often and need a convent folding tricycle that can be stored in a small
space. Our low step through
frame makes this tricycle ideal for senior citizens, mobility challenged
people, and people who have balance issues. The
Fold and Go is loved by everyone from kids to grandparents. Not only is
the Fold and Go perfect for shorter riders it is ideal for people
between 4'-6'' and 6'-0''. 83 Lbs +- depending on battery choice.