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<p>I like everything about this trike. It is easy to adjust the seat and back positions and is comfortable. The narrow tires and light aluminum frame make it easy to pedal. It has a lot of gears, which is helpful for the hills where I ride.</p>
My X3 AX is comfortable as well as beautiful. The drive train is smooth as butter and easy to pedal. I love having a quick ride around the neighborhood or taking a day trip on a trail. It stores in a small footprint and is light enough to lift easily.
<p>Light, Sleek, Comfortable and Easy to get on and off of is how I would describe my Sun X3 AX Trike. The Sun X3 AX is a good value in my opinion, I did compare the X3 AX to Sun’s other model the Tri Classic SX. The X3 AX frame is made of aluminum which shaved a lot of weight off compared to the Tri Classic SX. There are many upgrade to the X3 AX over the Tri Classic that made it an easy choice for me. The biggest upgrade was that the X3 AX came with a 20” front wheel where as the Tri Classic only come with a 16” front wheel. At some point in my future I will add an electric motor kit to my trike and having the 20” front wheel give me a lot more options in doing so. I did try looking to see if anyone had 16” motor kits and I could not find any, the Tri Classic could be upgraded to a 20” front wheel but you would have to change the fork which is another expense. The X3 AX has upgraded wheels, tires, handlebars, seat as well over the Tri Classic. I have had my X3 AX for six months and ride it every non rainy day. I love the freedom it gives me.</p>
Simply the best, easiest to ride, adjust, maintain and most enjoyable delta-trike available on the market. With a few personal accessories added, you couldn't ask for more. One word of caution, pay careful attention to the weight limit of this trike. Do not exceed 300-lbs total weight. Eventually, the rear axle (where the majority of the weight rides) is very likely to fail, as mine has twice. If you're a larger, heavier rider (like me) go for the Sun Seeker EZ-3 USX HD which has a 400-lbs weight limit, which I've already ordered.