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Very nice tricycle for the money. It comes in many colors. I like the red one I got. It was easy to ride on my first try. I like to ride to the neighborhood store. The basket is a good size for my shopping trips. This is my first tricycle and I am very pleased with it. It is comfortable and stable.
I have had my Traditional Trike for 3 weeks now and I am loving it. It is very well made, sturdy, and very comfortable to ride - plus it is beautiful to look at. There was a bit of a learning curve for me to get accustomed to riding it as it is very different than a conventional bicycle. I was a bit uneasy the first two tries but after getting some instruction as to how a trike should be handled I soon became pretty proficient. Having the benefit of the very generous rear basket is a very nice and useful feature. Weather permitting I ride daily - my rides consist of side streets, sidewalks, and paved trails, and the trike handles pretty smoothly in these situations. I personally would hesitate to ride on very rough and rugged terrain as I don't believe a trike is meant to navigate those conditions with ease. I will say however that one can achieve a very good workout with a trike contrary to what some might believe. Overall I highly recommend the Sun Traditional Trike - it is great fun and a great value for a very reasonable price. As an aside mention, I have gotten many compliments and comments as I navigate the trails. A very worthy purchase that I'm sure I will enjoy for a long time to come.
<p>I have been very happy with my Sun brand tricycle. I use it to go run small errands to the post office, grocery store and for shopping. I like that it came with an extra wide over size seat and a large rear basket. I added an electric motor kit to mine to help me around town. The motor kit has plenty of power and all I have to do is turn the throttle a little more to help me more on the hills.</p>
<p>I have had two Sun Traditional trikes. My first Sun Trike has gave me six years of very good service. I was so pleased with my first trike I purchased the same trike for my vacation home in Florida where I stay in the winter. My trike is very comfortable to ride and comes with an extra wide seat. I purchased my second trike with the upgraded five speed which defiantly makes it a lot easier to pedal into the wind here in Florida.</p>