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<p>I bought this bike for my 11 year old daughter. she has TAR syndrome, with that syndrome she has short arms. so a regular bike would not do for her. so looking around I found this Banana Peel bike. Its reasonably priced and looks good. One of the down falls is the lack of color options. she loves it. The grab handles dont work for her but that doesnt stop her. I would recommend this bike to anybody. Thanks</p>
My kids love these trikes, they race each other for hours up and down our street and on our driveway.
My son has some balance issues and we wanted him to be able to ride with his brothers and friend in the neighborhood. I wanted him to just do kids thing like all the other boys in the neighborhood. The Trailmate Banana has been wonderful, it is really a joy to see him riding and enjoying the trike so much.
<p>Bought a pair of these for my twin boys and now it is their favorite thing to do. They set up cones in our driveway and chase each other around the cones. They ride these trikes hard and a lot; they have almost worn out a set of tires in three months. I am so happy they are outside doing something physical and having fun. I wish I could fit on the Banana Peel to chase them but my kids would be so much faster than me. It is so fun to watch them race around; they play cops and robbers and take turn trying to catch each other.</p>