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<p>This works great for us. I like the stability of the three wheels. The tricycle is heavy, but I like how solid it is. Our other grandchild is envious and waiting to ride with me the next time she visits. Thankfully, the seats are nicely padded. We’ve gone out for ½ hour rides, and I know we can increase that in better weather. I debated about ordering gearing or changing the chain ring or both. I ordered the 3 speed and I am using all gears and I am fine with this. But I should have ordered fenders for all 3 wheels.</p>
<p>Purchased this trike for me and my wife who are both overweight. I have rode the Worksman Industrial Tricycles in the past and they seemed very sturdy. Our Tri Tandem frame feels very flexible but not in a good way. If I had to do it again I would have purchase the Team Dual Trike for the two of us to ride. I originally chose the Tri Tandem because the rear axle width is narrower than the Team Dual Trike. We ride on sidewalks so I though it would be easier to manage because it was narrower than the Team Dual Trike. The length of the Tri Tandem so long that you can not make a 90 degree turn on the sidewalk without dropping the inside wheel off the sidewalk or running the front wheel off the far side of the sidewalk. </p><p>Workmanship could have been better, I work quality control in a factory and you could see there was very little attention to preparing the frame before paint. The paint looked good and thick but the parts looked cheep.</p>