My review is for the Sun Fat Tad Electric. Now to be transparent I will have to say that I did not purchase this trike after test riding the trike. I found the motor to be plenty strong enough and the seat was comfortable enough but there were some things that just did not live up to my expectations. So here are the things that I think Sun should work on. I think the battery should be mounted lower to the frame and not over the rear wheel. Adding the extra weight to the suspension will make it less responsive and having the weight lower and centered on the trike would be better. Shifting felt sluggish probably due to a low priced and quality rear derailleur. It did shift to all the gears but I am accustom to using some higher quality components on my current bicycle. Rear suspension was “ok” but no damping in rear shock, just a simple coil spring suspension. The rear suspension was adjustable for rider weight and did smooth out the ride. Front suspension was terrible, it really did not move much when I was riding the trike. The front suspension was not smooth in is action, maybe after it has some usage it will brake in and get better but I am not confident that is the case. My recommendation is to save up some more money and get the ICE Full Fat or a higher quality trike of a different brand. Forget about the suspension in the Sun Fat Tad and look at the Trident Terrain with 26” wheels and add a motor kit to that trike might be a better alturnitive.
New York